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Blockchain & Cryptocurrency (블록체인 및 암호화폐)

수강신청하실 수 없습니다.

강좌 소개

This course will provide a comprehensive overview of blockchain and cryptocurrency. We introduce the core encryption technology used in blockchain and the core technologies applied in Bitcoin. Then we introduce the core technologies of the Ethereum and Smart Contracts. We also introduce the development of Decentralized Apps (DApp) using smart contacts. We introduce and compare public and private blockchains and some of the most popular blockchain platforms. A number of popular applications using Blockchain will be introduced. We will discuss the most important issues in blockchains including scalability, security, and performance. We introduce the ICO concept that the blockchain startups are using to attract investment. We explain the Token economy. Finally, we will explain how the coins are traded.
If you take this course faithfully, you will be able to understand all the basic concepts related to blockchain, take courses that deal with each technique more deeply, and start development and research.

평가 방법

ㅇ온라인 강의 Quiz 성적: 20%
ㅇ숙제: 40%
ㅇ Term Project: 40%

강좌 목차

1IntroductionIntroduction to the course
Introduction to Blockchain and Cryptocurrency(1)
Introduction to Blockchain and Cryptocurrency(2)
2Overview of Cryptography for BlockchainCryptography for Blockchain
Mechanics of Bitcoin: Blocks & Transactions
Assignment #2
3Mechanics of Bitcoin (1)Relationship between Keys and Address
Bitcoin Network
4Mechanics of Bitcoin (2)Introduction to Mining and Consensus
The Task of Bitcoin Miners: Mining the block
5Ethereum(1)Introduction to Ethereum
Data Layer
6Ethereum(2)Consensus & Execution Layer
Common & Application Layer
7Reading WeekReading Week
8DApp: Decentralized AppIntroduction to DApp
DApp Examples
How to develop DApp
Assignment 7
9Blockchain Platforms (1) - EOSIntroduction to EOS
Features of EOS
DPOS Tradeoffs & Attacks
Program & Network Structure of EOS
Installing EOS&voice
Build Hello World on EOS
Tutorial on DApp with EOS
10Consensus AlgorithmsConsensus Algorithms (1)
Consensus Algorithms (2)
Assignment 8
11Blockchain Platforms (2) - HyperledgerIntroduction to Hyperledger
Hyperledger Fabric(1)
Hyperledger Fabric(2)
12ICO(Initial Coin Offering) and Token EconomyToken Economics
ICO(Initial Coin Offering)
Introduction to Token Economy
Assignment 9
Assignment 10
13Cryptocurrency ExchangeCryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrency Exchanges
14Project PresentationsProject Presentations
15Project PresentationsProject Presentations



포스텍 컴퓨터공학과 교수

University of Western Ontario Computer Science 석사

University of Waterloo Computer Science 박사

전) KT 종합기술원장 (CTO)

POSTECH 컴퓨터공학과 교수

POSTECH 정보통신대학원장



포스텍 컴퓨터공학과